Archiwum 22 października 2002

paź 22 2002 dla braciszka :o)
Komentarze: 2

Dzisiaj sa urodziny mojego kochanego brata. A poniewaz wiem ze sledzi bloga i opieprza mnie ze go zaniedbuje to tu i teraz pisze dla niego specjalne zyczenia urodzinowe :o)

Zeby Ci sie slonko moje najukochansze wszystkio prosto ukladalo, zebys nie musial zapracowywac sie na smierc zeby zapomniec.... zeby wszystko do okola Ciebie zakwitalo nie tylko na wiosne, zebys byl naj naj naj szczesliwszy, zeby Ci sie po kolei spelnialy wszystkie marzenia, zebys mial szczerych przyjaciol, zeby cieszylo Cie mokniecie w cieplym deszczu i bieganie po blocie na lace, zebys mial zawsze duzo malin i poziomek, zeby ktos rzucil w ciebie kawalkiem tortu urodzinowego.... zebys poprostu byl taki jaki jestes. Zreszta wiesz ze ja Ci zycze jak najlepiej tylko czasmi nie umiem ubrac tego w slowa.

I've run from these feelings for so long
Telling my heart I didn't mean it
Pretending that I was better off alone
But I know that it's just a lie
So afraid of taking a chance again
So afraid of what I'd feel inside

But I need to be next to you
I need to share every breath with you
I need to know I can see you smiling each morning
Look into your eyes each night
For the rest of my life

Here with you, Near with you
Oh I
I need to be next to you

Right here with you is right where I belong
I'd lose my mind if I could see you
Without you there is nothing in this life
That would make life worth living for
I can't bear the thought of you not there
I can't fight what I feel anymore

'Cause I need to be next to you
I need to share every breath with you
I need to know I can see you smiling each morning
Look into your eyes each night
For the rest of my life

Here with you, Near with you
Oh I
I need to be next to you

I need to have your heart next to mine
For all times
Hold you for all my life
I need to be next to you

gaja : :